
API Reference





var tapspace = require('tapspace')


A semantic version string identical to the version in the module’s package.json.


Items are objects that can be rendered and made interactive.


The root for other items.

Inherits from AbstractPlane.

Overwrites setParent to throw an error if used. Effectively prevents the space to have a parent.


var space = new tapspace.Space()


A collection of items. SpaceGroup itself has no representation, only its children.

Inherits from AbstractPlane.


> var g = new tapspace.SpaceGroup(parent)
> var px = new tapspace.SpacePixel()

Constructor SpaceGroup(parent) takes an optional parent item.

Method #atMid() returns a Vector to the centroid of the convex hull of the descendants.

Method #copy() returns a deep copy of this. The children are recursively copied. The resulting SpaceGroup does not have a parent.

Method #getHull() returns the convex hull as an IPath. The path is in the hull order.


A rectangular item with custom HTML content. SpaceView represents the content as-is. Good for text, iframes, or canvas elements for example. Be careful when injecting content created by users.

Inherits from AbstractRectangle.

Initial size is 256 x 256.


> var h = new tapspace.SpaceHTML('<h1>Hell-o</h1>')
> h.getHTML()

Constructor SpaceHTML(html, parent) takes in a string and an optional parent item.

Method #copy() returns a copy of this with similar HTML content and size but without a parent.

Method #getHTML() returns string.


An image item. SpaceView represents this with an <img> tag.

Inherits from AbstractRectangle.

Initial size equals to the dimensions of the given image.


tapspace.preload('assets/img.png', function (err, img) {
  if (err) { throw err }
  var im = new tapspace.SpaceImage(img, parent)

If you know the image dimensions beforehand, you can use an image literal:

var im = new tapspace.SpaceImage({
  src: 'assets/img.png',
  width: 320,
  height: 240
}, parent)

Constructor SpaceImage(img, parent) takes in a HTMLImageElement and an optional parent item. Alternatively, img can be an image literal. If HTMLImageElement is given, use tapspace.preload to ensure the image has correct dimensions before constructing the SpaceImage.

Method #copy() returns a copy of this with the same image and size but without a parent.

Method #getImage() returns HTMLImageElement.


A colored rectangular item. SpaceView represents this with a <div> styled with CSS background property.

Inherits from AbstractRectangle.

Initial size is 1x1.


> var px = new tapspace.SpacePixel('pink', parent)

Constructor SpacePixel(color, parent) takes in an optional color string and an optional parent item. The string defaults to #000000.

Method #copy() returns a copy of this with the same color and size but without a parent.

Method #getColor() returns the background property string.



A viewport to the Space. Renders the items in HTML and CSS. Positions the rendered elements with CSS3 transform.

Inherits from AbstractRectangle.

Listens events: added, removed, transformed, resized, childAdded, childRemoved


> var view = new tapspace.SpaceView(space)

Constructor SpaceView(space) takes in an optional instance of Space.

Method #fitScale(...) overrides AbstractRectangle#fitScale(...) to throw an error if the view is not mounted.

Method #fitSize(...) overrides AbstractRectangle#fitSize(...) to prevent resizing. See #refreshSize().

Method #getElementBySpaceItem(item) returns HTMLElement rendered for the item in this view. Returns null if the item has no HTMLElement in this view.

Method #getContainer() returns the HTMLElement given with #mount(htmlContainer). Returns null if the view is not mounted.

Method #getSpaceItemByElementId(id) returns an item associated with an HTMLElement with the given id attribute or null if not found.

Method #isMounted() returns true if the view is mounted onto a container.

Method #mount(htmlContainer) attaches the view into the given HTMLElement. This starts a rendering process where the items in Space are rendered in HTML and listened for changes.

Method #refreshSize() resizes the view to match clientWidth and clientHeight of the container element.

Method #setParent(item) overrides AbstractNode#setParent(item) to ensure only a Space is allowed for the parent.

Method #setSize(...) overrides AbstractRectangle#setSize(...) to prevent resizing. See #refreshSize().

Method #setISize(...) overrides AbstractRectangle#setISize(...) to prevent resizing. See #refreshSize().

Method #unmount() undoes #mount(htmlContainer) and clears the container.

Abstract Items

The items inherit from their abstract prototypes. The image below gives an overview on the prototype chain.

tapspace module dependency graph

Image: The module dependency graph represents the relationships between Tapspace modules. Diamond denotes composition: AbstractNode has other AbstractNodes. Arrow head denotes inheritance: AbstractRectangle is an AbstractPlane, AbstractPlane is an AbstractNode et cetera.


Gives an inheriting object the tree node capabilities like fetching the children and ancestor nodes.

Inherits from Emitter. See API details at component-emitter.

Emits added when attached to a new parent. Has payload { source: <AbstractNode>, newParent: <AbstractNode>, oldParent: <AbstractNode> }. If there was no old parent then oldParent: null.

Emits removed when detached from a parent. Has payload { source: <AbstractNode>, newParent: <AbstractNode>, oldParent: <AbstractNode> }. If there is no new parent then newParent: null.

Emits childAdded when a child node is added. Has payload { source: <AbstractNode>, newChild: <AbstractNode>, oldParent: <AbstractNode> }. If there was no old parent then oldParent: null.

Emits childRemoved when a child node is removed. Has payload { source: <AbstractNode>, oldChild: <AbstractNode>, newParent: <AbstractNode> }. If there is no new parent then newParent: null.

Method #addChild(item) inserts item to the last child of this. Emits childAdded. The new child item emits removed if already attached and then emits added.

Method #bringAbove(item) removes this from the parent and adds this as the next sibling of item. Emits removed and then added. Parent emits childRemoved and childAdded.

Method #bringToFront() reinserts this as the last children (=topmost). Emits removed and then added. Parent emits childRemoved and childAdded.

Method #emit(eventName, arg1, arg2, ...) emits an event. See component-emitter.

Method #getAncestors() returns an array of items, the parent at [0], the parent’s parent at [1], et cetera.

Method #getChildren() returns an array of items.

Method #getDescendants() returns an array of items, including children, the childrens’ children, et cetera.

Method #getFirstChild() returns the first (bottommost) child.

Method #getLastChild() returns the last (topmost) child.

Method #getNextSibling() returns the next (higher) child of the parent.

Method #getParent() returns the parent item and null if no parent.

Method #getPreviousSibling() returns the previous (lower) child of the parent.

Method #getRootParent() returns the most distant ancestor, the one without a parent.

Method #hasChild(item) returns true if item is a child of this.

Method #hasDescendant(item) returns true if this an ancestor of item.

Method #isRoot() return true if this has no parent.

Method #off(eventName, handlerFn) removes the event handler. See component-emitter.

Method #on(eventName, handlerFn) registers an event handler. See component-emitter.

Method #remove() detaches this from the parent.

Method #sendBelow(item) removes this from the old parent and adds this as the previous sibling of item. Emits removed and then added. Parent emits childRemoved and childAdded.

Method #sendToBack() reinserts this as the first children (=bottommost). Emits removed and then added. Parent emits childRemoved and childAdded.

Method #setParent(item) removes this from the current parent and attaches it as a child of item. Emits removed if there was a parent and then emits added. The old parent emits childRemoved and the new parent emits childAdded.


Gives an inheriting object capabilities to act as a coordinate plane. Each AbstractPlane has a Transform that defines the position of the plane in relation to its parent plane. Transform is a transformation matrix that allows rotations, scalings, and translations. The matrix maps a vector on the plane to another vector on the parent plane.

Inherits from AbstractNode.

Listens event removed to ensure a root element has no transformation.

Emits transformed with a payload { source: <AbstractPlane>, newTransform: <Transform>, oldTransform: <Transform> } that tells what was transformed and how much.

Method #at(x, y) or #at(vector) returns an IVector at the position (x, y) on this.

Method #getGlobalTransform() returns an Transform, the total transformation from this to the root’s coordinate system.

Method #getGlobalITransform() returns an ITransform, a plane-invariant version of the total transformation from this to the root’s coordinate system.

Method #getLocalTransform() returns a Transform, the coordinate mapping from this to the parent plane.

Method #getLocalITransform() returns an ITransform, a plane-invariant version of the local transform. Where #getLocalTransform tells the effect of the plane’s local transformation in the parent’s coordinate system, #getLocalITransform tells the local effect in the global scope.

Method #resetTransform() is a shortcut for #setLocalTransform(Transform.IDENTITY). Emits transformed.

Method #setGlobalTransform(tr) takes a Transform and updates the local transformation so that the global transformation becomes equal to tr. Emits transformed.

Method #setGlobalITransform(itr) takes a ITransform and updates the local transformation so that the global transformation becomes equal to tr. Emits transformed.

Method #setLocalTransform(tr) takes a Transform and replaces the local transformation. Emits transformed.

Method #setLocalITransform(itr) takes a ITransform and replaces the local transformation. Emits transformed.

Method #snap(pivot, igrid) updates the local transformation so that the given pivot IVector snaps to the given IGrid. Emits transformed.

Method #transformBy(tr) takes a Transform or ITransform and multiplies the local transformation matrix from the left. For example, if a plane is already rotated by 45 degrees then #transformBy(rotate90) rotates the plane 90 degrees, thus setting the total rotation to 135 degrees. Emits transformed.

Method #translate(domain, range) moves this horizontally and vertically so that the given domain (an array of IVectors) travels as close to the range (a matching length array of IVectors) as possible. If only single IVectors are given, the array can be omitted. Emits transformed.

Method #scale(pivot, multiplier) or #scale(pivot, domain, range) scales this around the IVector pivot. A multiplier of 2 would double the dimensions of this on the parent plane. If domain and range are given, this becomes scaled so that domain becomes as close to range as possible, like described at #translate. Emits transformed.

Method #rotate(pivot, radians) or #rotate(pivot, domain, range) is similar to #scale but rotates instead of scaling.

Method translateScale(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both translation and scaling.

Method translateRotate(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both translation and rotation.

Method scaleRotate(pivot, domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both scaling and rotation around a IVector pivot.

Method translateScaleRotate(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows each translation, scaling, and rotation.

Experimental Method setLocal3d(pivot, vec3) can be used to place objects with 3D coordinates. The method takes a Vector vanishing point and a literal 3D point { x, y, z }. The z property acts as a distance i.e. a perspective scaling factor towards the vanishing point. The x and y properties describe translation at the distance z. The method replaces the local transformation with a translate-scale transformation.


Gives an inheriting object a rectangular shape and size dimensions.

Inherits from AbstractPlane.

Emits resized with a payload { source: <AbstractRectangle>, newSize: <Size>, oldSize: <Size> }.

Method #atNorm(x, y) returns IVector from a point relative to the rectangle dimensions. For example #atNorm(0, 1) gives the bottom-left corner and #atNorm(0.5, 0.5) gives the middle point.

Method #atMid() is alias for #atNorm(0.5, 0.5).

Method #atMidN() is alias for #atNorm(0.5, 0).

Method #atMidW() is alias for #atNorm(0, 0.5).

Method #atMidE() is alias for #atNorm(1, 0.5).

Method #atMidS() is alias for #atNorm(0.5, 1).

Method #atNW() is alias for #atNorm(0, 0).

Method #atNE() is alias for #atNorm(1, 0).

Method #atSW() is alias for #atNorm(0, 1).

Method #atSE() is alias for #atNorm(1, 1).

Method #fitScale(ipath) translates and scales this so that the rectangle encloses the given IPath precisely. The local size is not altered. Emits transformed.

Method #fitSize(ipath) translates and resizes this so that the rectangle encloses the given IPath precisely. The local size and the width-height ratio is probably altered. Emits transformed and resized.

Method #getHull() returns IPath that consists of the corners of the rectangle in counter-clockwise order i.e. the hull order.

Method #getSize() return Size, representing the dimensions in the local coordinates.

Method #getISize() return ISize, representing the dimensions in plane-invariant manner.

Method #setSize(size) updates the local size to match the given Size. Emits resized. Alternatively, use #setSize(width, height).

Method #setISize(isize) updates the local size to match the given ISize. Emits resized.


These input managers map events from input devices to manipulations of items in space.


To allow users to directly interact with the items, make the items touchable. Touchable is an input manager that maps touch and mouse events on HTML to a transformation and applies the transformation to a given item.


> var tou = new tapspace.Touchable(view, item);

Constructor Touchable(view, item) takes in the parameters:



The mode object defines the allowed types of manipulation. Some types are not possible together so a type can override another. The full list of the mode properties and their conflicts is given below.

The default mode is accessible at Touchable.DEFAULT_MODE.


The manager emits the following events:

The events are fired with an event object. The event object has the following properties:


To manipulate items and views with mouse wheel make them wheelable. The Wheelable is an input manager that maps WheelEvent to item manipulations, for example to zoom a view.


> var wheel = new tapspace.Wheelable(view, item)
> wheel.start({ scale: true })

Constructor Wheelable(view, item, targetItem) takes in a SpaceView where the interaction happens and an item, an instance of AbstractPlane to transform. The view must have rendered an element for the item or otherwise an error is thrown. An optional targetItem can be a function or an instance of AbstractPlane and is used as an alternative target for recognized transformation. If a targetItem is a function, it receives a ITransform as the first argument and is called each time an item would have been transformed.

Methods are identical to tapspace.Touchable with the exception of mode properties and emitted events defined below.

Mode object defines the allowed types of manipulation. Some types collide in the way they interpret events and can thus override each other. The full list of the mode properties and their conflicts is given below.

The default mode is accessible at Wheelable.DEFAULT_MODE.

Events are emitted to allow the app to react in additional ways.

The events are fired with an event object having the following properties:



A collection of geometric models. All models under geom are immutable i.e. their state does not change. For example, vector.rotate(Math.PI) does not change vector but instead returns a new, rotated Vector instance.


A Grid is a tool to round transformations to their closest alternatives allowed by the grid. In other words, you can snap items to discrete positions. In addition to xy-lattice, you can also snap scales and rotations.


> var grid = new tapspace.geom.Grid(mode)
> var snappedTr = grid.snap(space.at(0,0), transform)

Mode is an object that defines the grid. Following properties are available:

Method #almostEqual(grid) returns true if the given Grid is equal to this, allowing small errors from floating point arithmetics.

Method #at(i, j) returns Vector at (i, j) in grid’s coordinates. E.g. let xStep:2 and yStep:2, then this.at(1, -1) returns Vector(2, -2). Also, this.at(0, 0) equals this.getOrigin().

Method #equal(grid) returns true if values of the modes of the grids are strictly equal.

Method #getHullOf(i, j) returns Path representing the hull of (i, j):th eye of the grid. The path is in the hull order.

Method #getOrigin() returns Vector at the grid origin, specified by xStep, xPhase, yStep, and yPhase.

Method #snap(pivot, transform) returns a snapped Transform. To describe, if the snapped Transform is then applied to the pivot, the result is a Vector that fulfils the restrictions of the mode. In other words, a plane defined by the transform is moved so, that the pivot on the plane hits the grid.

Method #toArray returns a serializable representation of the grid.

Method #transform(tr) returns a new transformed Grid. E.g. 2x scaling doubles the xStep and yStep eye sizes. This method enables us to represent a grid on different planes, paving a way for the plane invariant IGrid.


An IGrid is a plane-invariant grid that can be converted to plane-dependent Grid by calling #to method.


> var igrid = new tapspace.geom.IGrid(modeOrGrid, item)

Constructor IGrid(modeOrGrid, item) where modeOrGrid is a Grid mode or a Grid and item is an optional AbstractPlane that defines the plane of modeOrGrid. Default for item is the root.

Method #almostEqual(igrid) returns true if the given IGrid is equal to this, allowing small errors from floating point arithmetics.

Method #at(i, j) returns IVector at (i, j) in grid’s coordinates. E.g. let xStep:2 and yStep:2, then this.at(1, -1) returns IVector for Vector(2, -2). Also, this.at(0, 0) equals this.getOrigin().

Method #equal(igrid) returns true if values of the modes of the grids become strictly equal if transformed on the same plane.

Method #getHullOf(i, j) returns IPath representing the hull of (i, j):th eye of the grid. The path is in the hull order.

Method #getOrigin() returns IVector at the grid origin, specified by xStep, xPhase, yStep, and yPhase.

Method #snap(pivot, itransform) returns a snapped ITransform. To describe, if the snapped ITransform is then applied to the given IVector pivot, the result is an IVector that fulfils the restrictions of the mode. In other words, a plane defined by itransform is moved so, that the pivot on the plane hits the grid.

Method #to(item) returns a Grid in the coordinate plane of the given item. The returned grid is globally equivalent to this.

Method #toSpace() returns a Grid in the coordinate system of the root item.

Method #transform(itr) returns an IGrid, transformed by the given ITransform itr. E.g. 2x scaling doubles the xStep and yStep eye sizes.


A Path is an ordered sequence of Vectors. See IPath for plane-invariant alternative.


var Vec = tapspace.geom.Vector
var p = new tapspace.geom.Path([
  new Vec(x0, y0),
  new Vec(x1, y1),

Method #add(path) returns a new Path that is the result of concatenating this with the given path.

Method #almostEqual(path) returns true if each Vector in this is almost equal to similarly positioned Vector in the given path, thus leaving a room for small floating point arithmetic errors.

Method #atMid() returns the mass centroid of the closed path as a Vector and null if the path is empty.

Method #bottom() returns the Vector with the largest y property. If multiple Vectors share the same y, the first is returned.

Method #equal(path) returns true if each Vector in this is equal to similarly positioned Vector in the given path.

Method #first() returns the first Vector of the path and null if empty.

Method #get(i) returns the i:th Vector of the path and undefined if the index is out of range.

Method #getBounds() returns a bounding box as a Path in the hull order.

Method #getHull() returns the convex hull of this as a Path. The path is in the hull order.

Method #last() returns the last Vector of the path and null if empty.

Method #left() returns the Vector with the smallest x property. If multiple Vectors share the same x, the first is returned.

Method #right() returns the Vector with the largest x property. If multiple Vectors share the same x, the first is returned.

Method #toArray() returns an array of Vectors.

Method #top() returns the Vector with the smallest y property. If multiple Vectors share the same y, the first is returned.

Method #transform(tr) returns a new Path where each Vector has been left-multiplied by the given Transform.


A IPath is an ordered sequence of IVectors and a plane-invariant alternative for Path.


var Vec = tapspace.geom.Vector
var p = new tapspace.geom.Path([
  new Vec(x0, y0),
  new Vec(x1, y1),
var ip = new tapspace.geom.IPath(p, space)

Constructor IPath(path, item) takes a Path and an item that defines the coordinate system of the path.

Property #length equals the number of Vectors in the path.

Method #add(ipath) returns a new IPath that is the result of concatenating this with the given IPath.

Method #almostEqual(ipath) returns true if this and the given IPath are almost equal when represented on a same coordinate system. See Path#almostEqual.

Method #atMid() returns the mass centroid of the closed path as a IVector and null if the path is empty.

Method #equal(ipath) returns true if this and the given IPath are equal when represented in a coordinate system.

Method #first() returns IVector for the first point on the path.

Method #get(i) returns IVector for the i:th point on the path.

Method #getHull() returns the convex hull of this as an IPath. The path is in the hull order.

Method #last() returns IVector for the last point on the path.

Method #to(item) returns Path represented in the given item’s coordinate system.

Method #toArray() returns an array of IVectors.

Method #toSpace() returns Path represented in the coordinate system of the root item.

Method #transform(itr) returns a new IPath where each IVector has been left-multiplied by the given ITransform.


An object with width and height. The Size does not have location or rotation and is affected only by scaling. If you need to represent a rectangular shape on multiple planes, use IPath instead.


var sz = new tapspace.geom.Size(8, 5)

Property width gives the width. Always zero or positive.

Property height gives the height. Always zero or positive.

Method #almostEqual(sz) returns true if this and the given Size are equal, by allowing a small error from floating point arithmetics.

Method #equal(sz) returns true if this and the given Size have strictly equal width and height.

Method #getWidth() returns the property width.

Method #getHeight() returns the property height.

Method #max() returns the largest from width and height.

Method #min() returns the smallest from width and height.

Method #toArray() returns [<width>, <height>].

Method #transform(tr) returns a new Size where the dimensions have been scaled by the given Transform. The given Transform can have translation and rotation too but only scaling will have an effect.


A plane-invariant size, a container of two plane-invariant measures. With ISize you can convert Size objects into other coordinate systems.


var sz = new tapspace.geom.Size(8, 5)
var isz = new tapspace.geom.ISize(s, sourceItem)
var sizeOnTarget = isz.to(targetItem)

Method #almostEqual(isz) returns true if this and the given ISize are equal, by allowing a small error from floating point arithmetics.

Method #equal(isz) returns true if this and the given ISize have strictly equal width and height.

Method #getWidth() returns IScalar representing the width in plane-invariant manner.

Method #getHeight() returns IScalar representing the height in plane-invariant manner.

Method #to(item) returns Size that is this represented in the given item’s coordinate system.

Method #toSpace() returns Size in the coordinate system of the root item.


A plane-invariant measure.


var s = new tapspace.geom.IScalar(6, sourceItem)
var t = s.to(targetItem)

Method #add(isca) returns a new IScalar that is the sum of this and the given IScalar.

Method #equal(isca) returns true if this and the given IScalar are globally equal.

Method #multiply(x) returns a new IScalar multiplied by x, where x is a number or IScalar.

Method #subtract(isca) returns a new IScalar that equals to this subtracted by IScalar.

Method #to(item) returns number that is this represented in the given item’s coordinate system.

Method #toSpace() returns number in the coordinate system of the root item.


For API, see nudged.Transform


A plane-invariant Transform. Similarly as a Vector can be represented in multiple coordinate systems, so can a transformation. To free users from thinking about which representation is the correct one for a given situation, we have ITransform.

Constructor ITransform(transf, plane) takes in a Transform and an item (instance of AbstractPlane) that defines the coordinate system of the given Transform.

Factory ITransform.estimate(type, domain, range, pivot) returns an ITransform estimated from the given control points. Parameter type is a string and defines the set of allowed transformations: 'I', 'T', 'S', 'R', 'TS', 'TR', 'SR', or 'TSR'. Parameters domain and range are IPaths or arrays of IVectors and are the control points for the estimation. The optional parameter pivot is IVector and restricts the transform to keep this point fixed. See package nudged for details.

Constant ITransform.IDENTITY gives the default ITransform.

Method #almostEqual(itr) returns true if the elements of transformation matrices of this and the given ITransform match. Leaves a room for small floating point arithmetic error.

Method #equal(itr) returns true if elements in the transformation matrices are strictly equal.

Method #inverse() returns ITransform with the inverse of the original transformation matrix.

Method #to(item) returns a Transform that equals to this represented in the coordinate system of the given item.

Method #toSpace() returns a Transform that equals to this represented in the coordinate system of the root item.

Method #multiplyRight(itr) alias #transformBy(itr) returns a ITransform that is the original multiplied from the right with the given ITransform.

Method #relativeTo(itr) returns ITransform needed by the given ITransform to become this. In other words, if C = A.relativeTo(B), then A = C * B.

Method #translate(domain, range) moves the image of this horizontally and vertically so that the given domain (an array of IVectors) travels as close to the range (a matching length array of IVectors) as possible. If only single IVectors are given, the array can be omitted.

Method #scale(pivot, multiplier) or #scale(pivot, domain, range) scales the image of this around the IVector pivot. A multiplier of 2 would double the space of the image. If domain and range are given, the image of this becomes scaled so that domain becomes as close to range as possible, like described at #translate.

Method #rotate(pivot, radians) or #rotate(pivot, domain, range) is similar to #scale but rotates instead of scaling.

Method translateScale(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both translation and scaling.

Method translateRotate(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both translation and rotation.

Method scaleRotate(pivot, domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows both scaling and rotation around a IVector pivot.

Method translateScaleRotate(domain, range) is similar to #scale but allows each translation, scaling, and rotation.


A point in 2D space.


var vec = new tapspace.geom.Vector(2, 1)

Property x is a number

Property y is a number

Alternative constructor Vector.createFromPolar(magnitude, direction) takes the vector length and direction in radians and returns a Vector.

Alternative constructor Vector.mean(vecList) takes a non-empty list of Vectors and returns a Vector that is their arithmetic mean.

Method #add(vec) sums this to vec and returns a new Vector.

Method #almostEqual(vec) returns true if the vectors match. Leaves a room for small floating point arithmetic error.

Method #changeBasis(vi, vj) takes two Vectors vi and vj and returns a Vector represented in a coordinate system where vi and vj are the basis vectors. In other words, if r = this.changeBasis(vi, vj) then this is equal to r.x * vi + r.y * vj. Throws Error if given basis vectors are linearly dependent.

Method #changeFromBasis(vi, vj) is opposite of #changeBasis so that if a = b.changeBasis(vi, vj) then b = a.changeFromBasis(vi, vj).

Method #distance(vec) returns Euclidean (L2) distance between this and vec.

Method #equal(vec) returns true if xs and ys are strictly equal.

Method #getRotation() returns radians from positive x-axis.

Method #getMagnitude() alias for #norm.

Method #isIndependent(vec) returns true if this and vec are linearly independent.

Method #opposite() returns a negation of this.

Method #max(vec) returns Vector where the largest x and y are picked from this and vec. For example, let a = Vector(1, 0) and b = Vector(0, 1) so a.max(b) equals Vector(1, 1).

Method #min(vec) returns Vector where the smallest x and y are picked from this and vec. See #max.

Method #multiply(scalar) returns Vector where x and y are multiplied by scalar.

Method #norm() returns Euclidean (L2) norm of the vector.

Method #offset(dx, dy) returns Vector that is equal to this.add(Vector(dx, dy)).

Method #polarOffset(radius, radians) returns Vector that is equal to this.add(Vector.createFromPolar(radius, radians)).

Method #rotate(radians, pivot) returns Vector that has been rotated about (0, 0) or about an optional Vector pivot.

Method #scale(factor, pivot) returns Vector that has been scaled about (0, 0) or about an optional Vector pivot. With the default pivot (0, 0), #scale is essentially identical to #multiply.

Method #subtract(vec) returns Vector that is equal to this.add(vec.opposite()).

Method #toArray() returns [this.x, this.y].

Method #transform(tr) returns Vector where this has been multiplied from left by the given Transform.


A plane-invariant vector that can be converted to Vector on given plane when needed.


var px = new tapspace.SpacePixel('black', space)
var v = new tapspace.geom.Vector(4, 2)
var iv = new tapspace.geom.IVector(v, px)

Constructor IVector(vec, plane) takes a Vector and an item plane. The plane defines the coordinate system of vec.

Alternative constructor IVector.mean(ivecList) takes a non-empty list of IVectors and returns an IVector that is their mean.

Method #add(ivec) sums this to IVector ivec and returns a new IVector.

Method #almostEqual(ivec) returns true if the IVectors match. Leaves a room for small floating point arithmetic error.

Method #distance(ivec) returns IScalar, the plane invariant euclidean (L2) distance between this and the given IVector.

Method #equal(ivec) returns true if this is globally equal to the given IVector.

Method #multiply(scalar) returns IVector multiplied by scalar.

Method #norm() returns IScalar that represents the euclidean (L2) norm of the vector in plane-invariant manner.

Method #offset(dx, dy, plane) returns IVector that results when this is moved by dx and dy. Optional plane defines the plane of the given dx and dy. The plane defaults to the root.

Method #polarOffset(radius, radians, plane) returns IVector that is the result of when this is moved radius units to radians direction, where radius is a number or IScalar and radians is a number. Optional plane defines the coordinate system of radians. The plane defaults to the root item. The plane also defines the coordinate system of radius but is ignored if radius is IScalar.

Method #to(item) returns a Vector that equals to this represented in the coordinate system of the given item.

Method #toSpace() returns a Vector that equals to this represented in the coordinate system of the root item.

Method #transform(itr) returns an IVector that results when this is transformed by the given ITransform itr.



A function to preload an image file or an array of them and call back when finished. As the main benefit, code in the callback can trust the dimensions of the image object.

Details: see loadimages.


tapspace.preload('mylittle.png', function (err, img) {
  if (err) { throw err }
  // img is now loaded and has correct dimensions instead of 0x0.
  var si = new tapspace.SpaceImage(space, img)


Here are detailed definitions for some terminology used above.

Hull order

When a Path represents the convex hull of an item, the Vector points of the path have strict order. 1) The first point is the Vector with most negative x and y value. 2) The points after the first come in anticlockwise order. For example the convex hull of a unit square is (0,0), (0,1), (1,1), and (1,0).